Thursday, February 3, 2011

Go Girl: An Exclusive Interview with Scotty Yoder, Lead Singer/Guitar Player of the Pharmacy

* I caught up with Scotty Yoder when he was stoned in the Spruce House living room and trying to watch Willow for the first time. Questions and Responses written ahead of time by Stacy Peck. Live interview administered by Hokunani.

Scotty! long time no see, when did you get back to Seattle?

I dunno. Like, the 9th? I was just in NY, I got a cold. I almost puked on the plane back, onto this guy watching soccer, and all these stewardess' crowded around me to see if i was okay. Also, my mustache wasn't fully grown in so I looked a 14 year old drug dealer.

Well, sometimes a man can't truly become a man until he is tested. You are working on a new record right now, when will it be done and will it feature a choir of any kind?
Um, i think it will be done next weekend. And that's all that is left, is the choir part.

Pretty much.
We already have orchestral parts backing us....kinda choir-y.

I've never thought about it that way, that's very interesting. You go on tour a lot, do you ever "lose it"?
I dunno.... Maybe I'm losing it right now, because I'm not on tour, so what does that mean?

Where is your least favorite city to play, and how much does it have to do with pull tabs?
Pull Tabs? Oh, like from Reno? Reno is pretty cool, but its not my favorite. Probably NYC right now. We just played 3 or 4 really great shows there. Its up there right now, front of my mind right now. Vienna is pretty good. Friendliest people. Almost too's kind of creepy how friendly they are.

As the leader and smartest member of the group, how do you keep centered? What balances you?
The pendulum is always swinging. I don't think that I am ever centered.
I guess I eat carrots more than snacks. Carrots are my center. Carrots dipped in peanut butter.
(In response to watching Willow)
Wow, Willow's wife is really kind of pretty! She has a really beautiful face...Oh, my god! This guy, the wizard is Dr. Shrinker in...or like the midget that looks just like Dr. Shrinker...cuz their buddies...You have to look it up, its like all these teenagers who get shrunk and when they chase after them theyre called their "shrunkies"...Shannon Perry's new haircut is like this one...I had this energy drink tonight, called"Go Girl".

I love Go Girl!
It's really cool.

They have Diet Go Girl, and Go Girl for your complexion.
Oh, really? Oh, I had the pink one...yeah the diet one...It tasted like i was eating candy for the first time... and i was getting really high with it. It was a great feeling. I was thinking of drinking Go Girl before going running tomorrow.
Oh, my God! (in reference to Willow)They're so horrifying, they are totally just dogs wearing costumes. So horrifying!

I appreciate your honesty. Thank you so much for taking the time, you are a precious treasure.

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